Datei:Flag of Egypt (1922-1958).svg

Gröössi vor PNG-Vorschou vor SVG-Datei: 800 × 533 Pixel. Wyteri Ufflösige: 320 × 213 Pixel | 640 × 427 Pixel | 1.024 × 683 Pixel | 1.280 × 853 Pixel | 2.560 × 1.707 Pixel | 1.008 × 672 Pixel.
Originaldatei (SVG-Datei, Basisgrößi: 1.008 × 672 Pixel, Dateigrößi: 864 Bytes)
Klick uf e Zytpunkt zu aazeige, wie s dert usgsäh het.
Version vom | Vorschaubild | Mäß | Benutzer | Kommentar | |
aktuell | 04:56, 24. Jul. 2012 | ![]() | 1.008 × 672 (864 Bytes) | Alkari | improved precision of stars |
03:01, 28. Jul. 2011 | ![]() | 1.008 × 672 (619 Bytes) | Alkari | code cleanup and precision | |
16:41, 3. Jul. 2010 | ![]() | 1.008 × 672 (4 KB) | F l a n k e r | Removing a fourth star positioned out of page | |
16:32, 3. Jul. 2010 | ![]() | 1.008 × 672 (5 KB) | F l a n k e r | New from scratches | |
23:07, 12. Feb. 2008 | ![]() | 600 × 400 (3 KB) | Kookaburra | small corrections | |
14:47, 18. Apr. 2006 | ![]() | 600 × 400 (1 KB) | Mysid | Created a new flag based on a image. | |
19:09, 1. Feb. 2006 | ![]() | 32 × 32 (338 Bytes) | Rotemliss | Corrupted, cross uploaded until I will be able to create a non-corrupted version | |
19:05, 1. Feb. 2006 | ![]() | 744 × 1.052 (2 KB) | Rotemliss | Historical Flag of Egypt (1922-1952). Made by en:User:Udzu from Image:Pakistan flag large.png using the GIMP, then converted to SVG by rotemliss from Image:Egypt flag 1922.png using Inkscape. |
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