|title = Comprehensive Scale of Rape (2018)
|description = A Map of the world showing a composite index about rape of women in 2018. This scale combines LRW-SCALE-4, -5. -6. -7. -8. -9, and -10 for a comprehensive picture of rape within a country, looking not only at reported prevalence, but also degrees of underestimation, issues of law, existence of enclaves of greater frequency of rape, strengths of taboos against reporting rape, and so forth. It is operationalized by combining the score of each of these 7 scales, resulting in a scale that ranges from 0-18. For mapping purposes, we have divided that range into 5 levels. However, the database contains the full 0-18 score. A missing score on any of the subscales results in a missing score on LRW-SCALE-11. (see WomanStat codebook)
|legend =
des Wärch an anderi wytergee – des Wärch kopiere, verbreite un ibertrage
des Wärch verändere – des Wärch aapasse
Unter däne Bedingige:
Namenännig – Du muesch aagmässeni Aagabe zum Urheber un dr Rächt mache, e Link zue dr Lizänz zuefiege un aagee, eb Änderige gmacht wore sin. Die Aagabe chenne in ere aagmässene Art gmacht wäre, aber nit eso, ass dr Yydruck entstoht, ass dr Lizänzgeber Dii oder Dyy Gebruch vum Wärch unterstitze un guetheiße.
Wytergab unter glyche Bedingige – Wänn du des Wärch veränderesch, umwandlesch oder druf ufböusch, no derfsch s Ergebnis nume unter dr glyche oder ere kumpatible Lizänz wie s Orginal vereffetlige.